We are in the midst of a disruption epidemic. Consider how frequently a part of your personal or professional life is overturned. Compare it to 10 years ago. Watch others around you and imagine what’s happening in their lives. It’s clear many are unmoored, knocked backward and disoriented. The waves are crashing on all of us with greater frequently and force. We are not at all able to respond effectively.

We need to get improve now and we can do so together!

How to begin? We can learn from our past wins. Think of a time when you made it through difficult circumstances. What did you and your team do then? And looking back, what would you have done differently?  Today, we occasionally draw from our experience as we proceed with our careers, but often the memories of our successes are clouded by those of our struggles.

We are also unable to fully tap into the wisdom of others. Here at Market Junctions, we seek to better capture and unleash the potential of our collective knowledge. Just like how Waze optimizes commuting by applying artificial intelligence to the travel experiences of the masses we can take a similar approach to transform disruption in our lives into positive change.

Please share one of your experiences with us by completing the survey below (desktop only). If you are on a mobile phone or tablet please use this link here.

Our partnership with Phrasia, an AI-powered linguistic data analytics firm, allows us to employ proprietary analytical tools to distill patterns and themes from your confidential submission along with hundreds of others. In doing so, we will identify what actions more consistently lead to positive outcomes. In exchange for your contribution, we will provide you a report of summary findings. While this learning may not equip you for every challenging encounter, it should at least help you to better diagnose and respond future disruptions

Stay tuned for updates on this project as well as other our perspective on a range of topics.

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